Hi, my name if Felicia I am 9 years old. I am a year 5 student attending to Glen Taylor School. My goal for this term is to show more confidence and to learn more about other people. In my writing I try to make it interesting but I find it boring.I try to put punctuation marks in my writing but I don't know where to place it.
I'm kind of good in my maths and my writing. I enjoy listening to Miss Litchfield talking to the student in Room 10. My challenges is to try and not talk while Miss Litchfield is talking. My goals for this year is to stop talking to my friends while I’m working. I will do that by sitting away from them and try not to talk to them that much.
I want to achieve my 12, 11, 9 and 8 time tables. I will achieve this by saying it everyday at night before I go to sleep.